Title: “AI Revolution: Employees in APAC Save 6.3 Hours Per Week, Gen Z Leading the Charge”
Keywords: AI Time Savings, Gen Z Leading, Employers Playing Catch-Up
A report recently released by Deloitte reveals that employees in the Asia-Pacific region can save an average of 6.3 hours of work time each week by using generative AI technologies. The survey covered over 11,900 respondents across the region, showcasing the significant impact of AI on enhancing productivity.
The report indicates that AI-savvy employees, particularly those of the Gen Z generation, are actively utilizing generative AI technologies. They are leading in terms of saving work time, developing new skills, alleviating workloads, and boosting production efficiency. This trend suggests that as AI technologies continue to evolve, more employees are leveraging these tools to improve their productivity.
Deloitte’s report also emphasizes the importance of employers keeping pace with the AI technology revolution. The report suggests that employers should increase their investment in AI training to help employees acquire necessary skills, enabling them to better utilize generative AI technologies. Additionally, companies should consider how to integrate AI tools into existing workflows to achieve the greatest benefits.
As AI technology continues to mature, it is expected that more industries and job roles will benefit from this technology. Deloitte’s report provides valuable insights for both businesses and employees, helping them to remain competitive in this rapidly evolving field.
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