中新社东京5月22日电 (记者 朱晨曦) 日本财务省22日公布的数据显示,4月份日本遭遇了自去年9月以来的首次贸易逆差,逆差额达到4625亿日元,这一结果出乎市场预期。
News Title: “Japan Suffers Record Trade Deficit of 46.25 Billion Yen in April”
Keywords: Deficit, Japan, Sizeable
News Content:
CGTN Tokyo, May 22 (Xinhua) — Data released by Japan’s Ministry of Finance on the 22nd showed that Japan experienced its first trade deficit since September last year in April, amounting to 46.25 billion yen, a result that caught market expectations off guard.
Analysts pointed out that the main cause of this trade deficit was a significant increase in imports. As global economic recovery and improvements in supply chains led to a rise in the volume of imported goods from abroad, especially an increase in the prices of energy products such as oil, which pushed up the cost of imports. At the same time, Japan’s export growth was not enough to offset the increase in imports, leading to a substantial trade deficit.
The Japanese government stated that the trade deficit in the short term might have some impact on the Japanese economy, but in the long run, with the stabilization of the global economic situation and the recovery of domestic demand, the trade situation is expected to improve.
A finance ministry official said the government will closely monitor market trends and take appropriate measures to alleviate the potential negative effects of the trade deficit, while encouraging export companies to increase market expansion efforts and enhance their international competitiveness, with the aim of achieving a balanced trade in the future.
The revelation of the trade deficit figures in April caused a shake in market confidence in Japan’s economic recovery, leading to a decline in the yen’s exchange rate. However, analysts believe that this short-term fluctuation does not represent the long-term trend of Japan’s economy, and investors should remain vigilant, gathering more data and information to make more accurate judgments.
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