中新网怀化5月22日电 (李林 邱思雨)5月22日是“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平院士逝世三周年纪念日。在这一特殊的日子里,社会各界在湖南安江农校举行缅怀活动,共同纪念这位为中国粮食安全和世界粮食增产做出杰出贡献的科学家。
Title: “Three Years Since Dr. Yuan Longping’s Passing: An Oil Painting Dedicated to Anjiang Agricultural School in Hunan”
Keywords: Commemorating Yuan Longping, Oil Painting Donation, Third Anniversary Tribute
On May 22, the third anniversary of the passing of Dr. Yuan Longping, known as the “Father of Hybrid Rice,” the agricultural scientist and academician, various sectors of society gathered at Anjiang Agricultural School in Hunan to pay tribute to his memory.
Dr. Yuan Longping dedicated his life to researching, applying, and promoting hybrid rice technology, making significant contributions to solving China’s and the world’s food problems. His “Oriental Magic Rice” not only solved China’s hunger but also made a significant contribution to global food security.
At the commemorative event, an art team from Shandong Arts College traveled over 1,500 kilometers to present an oil painting titled “Dr. Yuan Longping, Recipient of the Medal of the Republic,” which they had worked on for seven months, to Hongjiang City, Hunan Province. The lifelike oil portrait captures Dr. Yuan Longping in his iconic pose, holding a bunch of rice, evoking a sense of his deep love for agricultural research and his unwavering commitment to national food security.
Dr. Yuan Longping’s spirit inspires generations of researchers, and his deeds and contributions will always be remembered. At the tribute, various sectors expressed their profound mourning for Dr. Yuan Longping and vowed to continue to inherit and carry forward his scientific spirit and dedication, contributing to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
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