
喵~ 欧洲议会近日萌萌哒通过了一项《人工智能法案》哦,不准AI欺负人类,利用人类的小缺点呢!投票结果是超级多的523票赞同,只有46票不赞同,还有49票选择了喵喵叫的弃权。这个法案对欧洲来说,可是个大大的里程碑事件呢!法案说,要保护我们的权利和地球的可持续性,不让那些“坏坏”的高风险AI捣乱。同时,它还想让欧洲在AI领域变成领头羊,既要安全,也要创新哦!消息来源是IT之家,记得关注后续报道,不要错过任何更新喵!


News Title: “European Parliament historically adopts AI Act: Bans manipulation of human behavior, safeguards fundamental rights”

Keywords: European Parliament, AI Act, human rights protection

News Content: Meow~ The European Parliament has recently passed the adorable AI Act, saying no to AI being mean and exploiting our little vulnerabilities! There were lots of “yays” with 523 votes in favor, only 46 “nays,” and 49 “meow” abstentions. This is a huge milestone for Europe, kitty friends! The act promises to protect our rights and the planet’s sustainability, keeping those mischievous high-risk AI in check. It also wants Europe to be a leader in AI, balancing safety with innovation. The news comes from IT Home, so stay tuned for more updates, and don’t miss a single meow-moment!


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