中新健康讯(记者 李纯)3月30日,全国疾控系统一场别开生面的流调技能大比拼在北京落幕。本次大赛旨在通过“以赛促练”,强化疾控人员的实战能力,缩短理论与实践的距离。参赛者们纷纷表示,赛事不仅锻炼了他们的流调技巧,也提升了理论素养。
News Title: Epidemic Control Pros Train in Action: Turning the Arena into a Battlefield, Boosting Field Investigation Skills!
Keywords: Disease control and investigation, skill enhancement, competitive simulation
News Content: XINHUA HEALTH (Reporter Li Chun) – On March 30, a groundbreaking epidemiological investigation skills competition among the national disease control system concluded in Beijing. The event aimed to strengthen practitioners’ practical abilities through “learning by competing,” bridging the gap between theory and practice. Contestants expressed that the competition not only honed their investigation techniques but also improved their theoretical knowledge.
Dr. Han Yang, a chief physician from the Business Management Department of Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, excitedly shared in a post-competition interview, “This contest was a precious opportunity for me to learn and improve. It helped me identify my weaknesses and showed me room for growth.” Dr. Han pledged to continue her efforts, filling gaps in her knowledge, so she can better utilize her professional skills in protecting public health in the future.
The competition highlighted the national disease control system’s strong commitment to improving field investigation skills. By adopting a competitive format, it ignited the professionals’ enthusiasm for learning and further strengthened the overall quality of the disease control workforce. This was not just a test of skills, but also a pursuit of professionalism and precision in epidemic control work, laying a solid foundation for the system’s emergency response capabilities and disease prevention and control standards across the country.
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