AI生成3D内容资产的初创公司Kaedim最近宣布,在A轮融资中成功筹集了1500万美元。这家初创公司刚刚推出了一款由人工智能驱动的市场平台,上面拥有10000个预先生成的3D资产,并计划展示用户原创的3D作品。此次融资由著名风投机构Andreessen Horowitz(a16z)旗下的a16z Games领投,Pioneer Fund跟投。此外,包括Riot Games前总裁Scott Gelb、Oculus联合创始人Nate Mitchell、Pragma首席执行官Eden Chen以及Runway首席执行官Siqi Chen在内的多位业界领袖也参与了投资。
英文标题:AI-Powered 3D Content Generation Startup Kaedim Raises $15 Million in Series A Funding, Led by a16z Games
英文关键词:AI, 3D Content, Startup Funding
Kaedim, an AI-powered 3D content generation startup, recently announced that it has raised $15 million in Series A funding. The company has launched a new AI-driven marketplace platform featuring 10,000 pre-generated 3D assets and plans to showcase user-created 3D content. The funding round was led by Andreessen Horowitz’s (a16z) a16z Games, with participation from Pioneer Fund. Notable investors include Scott Gelb, former President of Riot Games, Nate Mitchell, co-founder of Oculus, Eden Chen, CEO of Pragma, and Siqi Chen, CEO of Runway.
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