月之暗面(Moonshot AI)公司日前宣布,其研发的 Kimi Chat 智能助手已突破长上下文窗口技术瓶颈,实现高达200万字的无损上下文支持。这一成就意味着 Kimi 智能助手在理解和处理长篇文本时,能够保持信息的完整性和连贯性,为用户提供更加精准和全面的服务。该智能助手将于即日起开启内测,标志着月之暗面在通用人工智能领域迈出了重要的一步。
英文标题:Moonshot AI’s Kimi Chat Supports 200,000-Character Context
Keywords: AI, context understanding, chatbot
News content:
Moonshot AI, a pioneering company in general artificial intelligence, has announced a breakthrough in long context window technology. Its Kimi Chat intelligent assistant now supports unbroken contexts of up to 200,000 characters, marking a significant step forward in the field. The product is set to enter a beta testing phase, signaling the company’s progress towards more sophisticated AI capabilities.
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