中新网杭州3月15日电(童笑雨 蒋天翔)今年的3月15日是第42个国际消费者权益日。在这一天,浙江多所学校开展了以“315”为主题的特别课程,旨在教育学生从小树立和捍卫自己的消费权益。这些课程不仅让学生们了解作为消费者的权益,更鼓励他们从小就具有“守权”的意识。
Title: “Consumer Rights Education in Zhejiang Schools for Young Consumers”
Keywords: “Consumer Rights Day, School Education, Awareness Building”
News content:
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, March 15 (Xinhua) – As the world marks the 42nd anniversary of World Consumer Rights Day on March 15, schools across Zhejiang province have been engaging in special educational activities to instill consumer rights awareness among their young students.
The activities, held on the occasion of International Consumer Rights Day, aim to educate students about their rights as consumers and encourage them to develop a sense of “consumer rights protection” from a young age.
In one primary school in Hangzhou, teachers are using lively examples and interactive games to teach students about the basics of consumer rights, including how to identify product quality, read product labels correctly, and handle consumer disputes. Students are actively participating in role-playing and discussions, gaining a deeper understanding of the importance of consumer rights.
Beyond classroom education, some schools have organized practical activities that allow students to experience being savvy consumers in a simulated market environment. Through these activities, students are not only learning practical consumer knowledge but also developing the ability to solve problems independently.
These educational activities are more than simple knowledge transfer; they are designed to cultivate students’ self-protection awareness and legal literacy, equipping them to be more confident and rational in their future consumption lives.
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