据国际最新研究,可可树(Theobroma cacao)或至少在5000年前就通过贸易路线从亚马孙盆地传播到了中南美洲的其他地区。
**Headline:** Ancient Cacao Trade Routes Revealed: Spread Across Central and South America5,000 Years Ago
**Keywords:** Cacao, trade, 5,000 years
Cacao trade flourished atleast 5,000 years ago, with the Theobroma cacao tree spreading from the Amazon Basin to other parts of Central and South America via trade routes, according to new international research.
The discovery is based on the analysis of residues from ancient vessels. Researchers found cacao residue in archaeological sites in Colombia,Ecuador, and Peru, dating back to 3000-1500 BC.
The study suggests that the spread of cacao across Central and South America was closely linked to the development of early human trade networks. Cacao beans were used as currency, a beverage, and food, making them a valuable trade commodity.
The findings help us understand trade patterns and cultural exchange in ancient Central and South America, researchers say. They also indicate that cacao has a long history in the region, with its importance dating back thousands of years.
The research was conducted by scientists from the United States, Colombia, and Peru and published inthe journal Scientific Reports. The researchers say their findings will help inform further research into ancient Central and South American trade and cultural interactions.
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