中新网北京2月19日电 据联合国粮农组织驻华代表处消息,19日,来自联合国粮农组织46个成员国的部长级官员及代表团齐聚斯里兰卡首都科伦坡,出席粮农组织第37届亚洲及太平洋区域会议部长级会议,共商农业粮食体系改革以及在新冠疫情和环境危机后如何加快复原等议题。
英文标题:Asian Countries Discuss Agricultural and Food System Transformation
Keywords: FAO, Asia, Food System
News content:
Beijing, February 19th – According to the news from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Representative Office in China, on the 19th, ministers and delegations from 46 member states of the FAO gathered in the capital of Sri Lanka, Colombo, to attend the 37th Session of the FAO Asia and Pacific Regional Conference, discussing issues such as the reform of the agricultural and food system and how to accelerate recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic and environmental crisis.
This conference aims to promote the transformation of the agricultural and food system in the Asian region, in response to the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and environmental crisis. Delegates from various countries engaged in in-depth discussions on how to reform the food system, improve food security, and promote sustainable agricultural development.
During the conference, ministers and officials from member states of the FAO shared their respective countries’ experiences and practices in the transformation of the agricultural and food system. They unanimously agreed that the COVID-19 pandemic and environmental crisis pose serious threats to food security, and it is necessary to accelerate the transformation of the agricultural and food system to achieve sustainable development.
It is understood that the FAO Asia and Pacific Regional Conference is one of the highest decision-making bodies of the FAO and is held annually in rotation among member countries in the Asia and Pacific region. The holding of this conference will help promote the reform and development of the agricultural and food system in the Asian region, making a positive contribution to global food security.
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