




This news article is about the preservation and传承 of an ancient art: the making of fur-covered滑雪boards. In a quiet courtyard, piles of wood and hides await transformation. Steam rises from a pot of boiling water on the stove, signaling the beginning of the creation process.

The production of these traditional滑雪boards is a珍贵cultural heritage. It involves softening wooden planks in hot water and then shaping them into滑雪board forms. These滑雪boards, with their unique materials and craftsmanship, are a valuable part of our cultural legacy.

A young craftsman is the guardian of this ancient art. From a young age, he learned the trade from his father and has now mastered its essence. He hopes to raise awareness and appreciation for these traditional滑雪boards, ensuring the survival and传承of this ancient craft.

Although these fur-covered滑雪boards are not commonly used in modern skiing, they carry a rich history and culture of our nation. Each滑雪board is a testament to the craftsman’s hard work and skill, embodying the传承and promotion of traditional culture.


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