为了让节日更加喜庆、欢快,家庭更加和谐、美满,全国妇联在中共中央宣传部的指导下,于2月2日至2月11日期间,开展了以“弘扬文明新风尚 喜气洋洋贺新春”为主题的传统节日文化活动。
National Women’s Federation hosts “Promoting Civilized New Fashions, Celebrating the Spring Festival with Joy” event
Keywords: National Women’s Federation, Traditional festivals, Cultural activities
News content:
To make the festivals more joyful and lively, and families more harmonious and happy, the National Women’s Federation, under the guidance of the Central Propaganda Department, held activities themed “Promoting Civilized New Fashions, Celebrating the Spring Festival with Joy” from February 2 to February 11.
The purpose of this event is to inherit and promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and to create a strong sense of the New Year atmosphere. During the event, the National Women’s Federation organized various cultural activities to let the public feel the charm of traditional culture in the joyful atmosphere, further promoting the new civilized trends.
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