
中新网北京2月3日电 据美国有线电视新闻网2日报道,来自美国和欧洲国家800多名官员当天发表了一份联名签署的声明,严厉批评西方对以色列和加沙地带采取的政策,指责他们的政府可能是“战争罪同谋”。





News content:
According to CNN on February 2nd, more than 800 officials from the United States and European countries issued a joint statement criticizing the Western policy towards Israel and Gaza. The statement accuses their governments of possibly being accomplices in war crimes.

In the statement, the officials point out that the biased attitude of Western governments towards Israel has exacerbated regional tensions and caused endless suffering to the Palestinian people. They urge their governments to take a fair and just stance, promote the peace process, and ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the Palestinian people.

The statement emphasizes that Western governments should stop providing military aid to Israel to prevent fueling conflicts. They also urge the international community to condemn Israel’s aggression and take practical actions to stop these behaviors.

It is understood that the joint statement was issued in the context of the continuous escalation of conflicts in Gaza, aiming to raise the attention of governments around the world to the Palestinian issue. More and more European and American officials are joining this cause, showing their reflection and questioning of the current Israeli-Palestinian policy.


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