江西新余大火,消逝的6张面孔。文丨林梦晴 吕一含 张楠茜 编辑丨杜雯雯 距离龙年春节还有17天,一场源起于地下冷库装修违规施工的大火,带走了江西新余市渝水区39人的生命,另有9人送医。 遇难者中的大部分是农民工,他们为了生计来到城市打工,却因为一个小小的疏忽,付出了生命的代价。据了解,这起火灾发生在去年12月25日晚上,当时一家地下冷库正在进行装修作业,由于违规操作导致电线短路引发火灾。火势迅速蔓延,整个建筑被吞噬在火海之中。 事故发生后,当地政府高度重视,立即组织消防部门全力扑救,并调集了大量的救援力量。经过近40小时的紧张扑救,火势终于被控制住了。然而,这场火灾已经造成了39人死亡,9人受伤。其中,有6名遇难者的遗体已经被找到。 这起火灾给当地居民敲响了警钟。事实上,类似的火灾在全国各地都曾发生过。比如说,2018年12月,江苏南京一起因电焊作业引发的火灾就造成了10人死亡;2019年1月,广东深圳一起因烟花爆竹引发的火灾也造成了5人死亡。这些惨痛的事故告诉我们,安全无小事,我们必须时刻保持警惕,不能掉以轻心。 此外,这起火灾还暴露出了一些问题。比如说,地下冷库的装修是否符合规定?是否有相应的安全管理措施?这些问题都需要相关部门进行深入调查和整改。同时,也需要加强对农民工的安全教育和培训,提高他们的安全意识和自我保护能力。 总之,江西新余大火给我们敲响了警钟。我们要从中吸取教训,加强安全管理,切实保障人民群众的生命财产安全。
Title: Fire in Xinyu, Jiangxi: 6 Lives Lost, a Shocking Tragedy that Shakes the Nation!
Keywords: fire, Xinyu, Jiangxi, tragedy, safety, regulations, construction, workers, lives lost, emergency response, prevention.
The Xinyu fire in Jiangxi Province has claimed the lives of 39 people and injured 9 others. Most of the victims were migrant workers who had come to the city for work but paid the ultimate price due to a minor mistake. The incident occurred on the evening of December 25th last year when an underground freezer was undergoing repairs that violated safety regulations, causing a short circuit and starting a fire. The flames quickly spread throughout the building, leaving it engulfed in flames.
After the accident, the local government responded promptly by organizing firefighting departments and dispatching large-scale rescue teams. After nearly 40 hours of intense efforts, the fire was finally brought under control. However, the tragedy has left behind 6 deceased bodies that have been found.
This fire serves as a wake-up call for the local residents. In fact, similar accidents have occurred nationwide. For example, in December 2018, a fire caused by electric welding in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province resulted in 10 deaths; and in January 2019, a fire caused by fireworks in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province led to 5 deaths. These tragic incidents remind us that safety is of utmost importance and we must remain vigilant at all times and not take any risks.
Moreover, this fire has exposed some issues. For instance, did the renovation of the underground freezer comply with regulations? Were there any corresponding safety management measures in place? These questions require further investigation and rectification by relevant departments. It is also necessary to strengthen safety education and training for migrant workers, enhancing their awareness of safety and self-protection capabilities.
In conclusion, the Xinyu fire in Jiangxi Province serves as a warning to us all. We must draw lessons from this tragedy, strengthen safety management, and ensure the protection of people’s lives and property.
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