Title: “Xiaoxi Niu Plateau Milk, Really Delicious! Supermarkets Push Hard, Only 2 Yuan per Bottle!”
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News content: Recently, Zhenzhen Haohao and Qingzang Ranch have launched a new product called “Xiaoxi Niu Plateau Milk”, which is priced at 2 yuan per bottle in supermarkets and promotional prices as low as 6 yuan. This news has attracted the attention and heated discussions of consumers.
It is understood that “Xiaoxi Niu Plateau Milk” is made from high-quality milk provided by Qingzang Ranch through special processing. Its taste is thick and nutritious, and is deeply loved by consumers. The new product launched this time further optimizes the formula based on the original one, making the product more delicate and smooth in taste, while also more in line with the modern people’s demand for healthy eating.
Regarding this promotion, the person in charge of Zhenzhen Haohao said, “We hope to let more consumers taste our products through this promotion, and also hope that everyone can learn about the high-quality milk resources of Qingzang Ranch.”
It is worth mentioning that Qingzang Ranch, as one of the well-known dairy farms in China, has always paid great attention to the quality and safety of its products. Its milk products not only have unique advantages in taste, but also meet national standard requirements in nutritional components. Therefore, consumers can rest assured to buy and eat them.
At present, “Xiaoxi Niu Plateau Milk” has been on the market in several Zhenzhen Haohao stores, and many other businesses are also actively following up on the sales of this product. It is believed that in the future, this product will become more popular among consumers.
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