Title: “Shandong Zibo Man Caught Cheating and Received Compensation, Seeking Justice in Retrial!”
Keywords: 1. Retrial case
On the morning of January 16th, the Shandong Zibo Intermediate People’s Court conducted an undisclosed retrial for a case that has attracted widespread social attention – a man named Lu某某 was convicted of extortion after accepting compensation of 25,000 yuan from his lover Liu某某 after catching them in adultery. The purpose of this retrial is to review the original verdict to ensure fairness and justice.
It is reported that after discovering that his wife was having an affair with another person, Lu某某 accepted compensation of 25,000 yuan from Liu某某. However, when the court heard the case, it deemed Lu某某’s actions constituted extortion and thus imposed criminal punishment on him.
In response, Lu某某’s defense lawyer stated that although Lu某某’s behavior was inappropriate, he did not use violence or threats but resolved the issue peacefully, therefore, he should not be identified as a extortionist. He also pointed out that if Lu某某’s actions constituted extortion, then Liu某某 should also be punished under the same circumstances.
On January 17th, Lu某某’s defense lawyer from Beijing Fuli Law Firm represented him in the retrial. They hope to clear Lu某某’s name and restore his reputation through this retrial.
This case once again raised society’s deep thinking about marriage loyalty, moral bottom line, and legal justice. We will continue to follow the outcome of this retrial.
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