






Title: “The Deep Reason Behind the Distributor of Flyers: Why They Persist in Handing Out One by One, Despite No Monitoring?”

Keywords: Flyers, Completed, Salary

Content: Title: The Deep Reason Behind the Distributor of Flyers’ Behaviour

With the arrival of the scorching summer days, the streets and alleys are filled with more and more flyer distributors. However, you may have noticed a phenomenon: instead of throwing their hands into the trash can as some people imagine, they distribute flyers one by one. What is the reason behind this?

Firstly, we need to understand that distributing flyers is not an easy job. They need to walk under the scorching sun, face pedestrians’ indifference or even cold gazes, just to complete the task at hand. Each flyer distributed is a confirmation of their efforts.

Secondly, although in someone’s eyes, distributing flyers is no different from throwing them away, in reality, this behaviour reflects their professional attitude. They choose to take every job seriously, even if it seems unimportant to others. This spirit of dedication deserves our respect.

Finally, and most importantly, the distributors know that their job is not only to complete tasks but also to maintain the company’s reputation. If their unprofessional behaviour damages the company’s image, then they may lose their jobs. Therefore, they will do their utmost to complete every task.

In conclusion, the behaviour of flyer distributors is not meaningless. Every effort they make is for a better life and higher professional standards. We should respect their work instead of easily belittling their efforts.


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