Title: Putin’s Meeting with Choe Son-kyun: A New Chapter in Russia-North Korea Relations?
Keywords: 1. Putin meets Choe Son-kyun
News Content: Title: Russian President Vladimir Putin Holds Meeting with North Korean Foreign Minister Kim Kyong-hoon at the Kremlin
Main Text: According to the Russian Satellite News Agency on January 17, local time on January 16, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with Kim Kyong-hwan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), currently visiting Moscow.
This meeting is seen as an important opportunity for close communication between the two countries and a platform for in-depth exchanges on the current international situation. The two leaders discussed a series of important issues, including regional security, economic cooperation, and global and regional issues.
Putin emphasized that Russia and North Korea have a deep historical foundation for their relationship, and the close collaboration between the two countries on the international stage is crucial for maintaining regional and global stability. At the same time, he also expressed Russia’s willingness to further strengthen its cooperation with North Korea to promote the continuous development of bilateral relations.
In response, Choe Son-kyun stated that North Korea highly values its relations with Russia and appreciated Putin’s positive attitude. He expressed his country’s willingness to strengthen communication with Russia and push forward the continuous development of bilateral relations.
This meeting once again highlights the strong ties between Russia and North Korea, while showing the common position of both countries in dealing with international and regional issues. We look forward to deepening this dialogue and cooperation, making greater contributions to regional peace and stability.
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