Title: “Jiangsu Illegal Education Association Caught in the Act: Beware of Deception!”
Keywords: 1. Jiangsu Provincial Association for Primary and Secondary Education, banned
On the morning of January 16th, the Jiangsu Provincial Civil Affairs Department issued an important announcement announcing the ban of the illegal organization labeled as “Jiangsu Provincial Association for Primary and Secondary Education.” After thorough investigation and verification, this organization had not registered with any relevant institutions but was conducting activities in the name of a social group, seriously violating the relevant regulations of China’s Regulations on the Registration of Social Groups and the Interim Measures for Banning Illegal Non-Governmental Organizations promulgated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
It is understood that the “Jiangsu Provincial Association for Primary and Secondary Education” in its promotional materials claimed to be a professional organization dedicated to promoting the development of primary and secondary education in Jiangsu Province. However, it had not been formally registered and certified. This act of misusing the name of a social group not only misled the public but also constituted a serious violation of social order.
In response, the Jiangsu Provincial Civil Affairs Department stated that it would resolutely crack down on such unregistered and unauthorized activities under the name of a social group. At the same time, it called on the general public to be vigilant and avoid being deceived. Any social group or individual should comply with national laws and regulations and shall not carry out club activities without authorization. For any discovered illegal club activities, they should report them to relevant departments in a timely manner to jointly maintain social fairness, justice, stability, and order.
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