《星空》游戏在开发初期更具“游戏性”,恒星辐射碎石带、燃料消耗及星际贸易等特性遭删减。据外媒 Gamerant 报道,一位名为 redsaltyborger 的玩家在对《星空》进行数据挖掘时,发现游戏隐藏有一张旧星图文件,显示本作开发初期相对“更加硬核”,游戏机制复杂度相对更高。
该玩家发现一张名为“利维坦 IV”的地图,这是一张设定为“海盗用来存放贵重物品的星系”,星图文件显示游戏曾经存在“恒星辐射”和“碎石带”机制,玩家在驾驶飞船穿越时需留意辐射、碎石带及随时移动的微流星体,以免造成飞船耐久度下降。此外,星图中还展示了燃料消耗和星际贸易等废弃机制,在初期设计时,玩家乘坐太空飞船时会消耗燃料,而当下玩家只需要“快速旅行”即可从一个星球瞬移到另一个星球,相对淡化了星际旅行之间的趣味性。
另据IT之家此前报道,B 社在前天官宣《星空》将迎来发售以来最大的更新,包含 100 多项修复和改进,1 月 17 日上线 Steam Beta 测试,两周后向所有玩家发布。此更新包含对任务的大量修复和大量图形改进,但没有游戏机制的更新。
Title: “Starfield” Development in Early Days Was Hardcore: PlayerTitle: “Starfield” Development in Early Days Was Hardcore: Players Unearth Old Star Map Revealing Game Mechanics
Keywords: Starfield game, old star map, hardcore mechanics
Content: The “Starfield” game was more “gameplay-oriented” during its early development stages, with features such as stellar radiation debris belts, fuel consumption, and interstellar trade being cut. According to a report by Gamerant, a player named redsaltyborger discovered an old star map file while data mining the “Starfield” game, indicating that the game was relatively “harder core” and had higher complexity in its early development stages.
The player found a map called “Leviathan IV,” which is set in a “galaxy used by pirates to store valuable items.” The star map file shows that the game once had mechanisms for “stellar radiation” and “debris belts,” requiring players to be cautious of radiation, debris belts, and moving micrometeorites while piloting their spacecraft to avoid reducing the durability of their ships. In addition, the star map also displays abandoned mechanisms such as fuel consumption and interstellar trade. In the initial design, players would consume fuel while traveling in spacecraft, but now they can simply “fast travel” to instantly teleport from one planet to another, diluting the fun of interstellar travel.
According to previous reports by IT House, B Company announced two days ago that “Starfield” will receive its biggest update since its release, including over 100 fixes and improvements. The update will go live on Steam Beta testing on January 17th and will be released to all players two weeks later. This update includes significant repairs to missions and numerous graphics improvements, but does not include updates to game mechanics.
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