全国首张无人机新规“黑飞”行政罚单开出:超高飞行罚款 500 元人民币。据“兵团警界”官方公众号,近日兵团第一师阿拉尔市公安局对王某未经审批在管制空域放飞无人机,市公安局按照《无人驾驶航空器飞行管理暂行条例》相关规定,依法对王某做出责令停止飞行,立即改正并处以罚款 500 元的行政处罚。
据悉,2024 年 1 月 5 日 17 时许,第一师阿拉尔市公安局特警支队警务航空大队巡逻组在日常巡逻时发现 1 架无人机在某小区上方超高飞行。民警立即联系幸福路派出所辖区民警一同前往核查,最终在小区楼顶发现“黑飞”行为嫌疑人王某。经现场民警检查其飞行器和飞行记录发现,王某使用无人机未按要求进行实名登记且飞行高度超过高度要求。
根据《无人驾驶航空器飞行管理暂行条例》,微型无人机适飞高度不超过 50 米,轻、小型无人机适飞高度不超过 120 米。此外,无人机飞手还应登录民航部门官网为所属无人机进行实名注册登记,并将登记后生成的二维码打印粘贴在无人机机身显眼处。
“News Headline: First Drone “Illegal Flight” Penalty: Fine of 500 Yuan for Exceeding Altitude
Keywords: Drone regulations, Illegal flight penalty, Real-name registration
News Content: The first administrative penalty under the new drone regulations in China for “illegal flight” has been issued: a fine of 500 RMB for exceeding altitude. According to the official account of “Bingtuan Police”, the Public Security Bureau of the First Division of Aral City in Xinjiang recently penalized Wang Mou for flying a drone without approval in a controlled airspace. The bureau followed the relevant provisions of the “Interim Regulations on the Management of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Flight” and imposed an administrative penalty on Wang Mou, ordering him to stop flying, immediately correct his actions, and pay a fine of 500 RMB.
It is reported that on January 5, 2024, at around 17:00, the patrol team of the Special Police Air Force Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of the First Division of Aral City noticed an unmanned aerial vehicle flying at an excessive altitude over a residential area during routine patrols. The police immediately contacted the local police station to investigate together. They eventually found the suspect, Wang Mou, who was engaging in “illegal flight” activities on the rooftop of a residential building. After checking his aircraft and flight records, the police found that Wang Mou had not registered his drone according to the requirements and that his flight altitude exceeded the allowed limit.
According to the “Interim Regulations on the Management of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Flight”, micro UAVs are not allowed to fly at altitudes higher than 50 meters, while small and light UAVs are not allowed to fly at altitudes higher than 120 meters. In addition, drone pilots should also register their drones on the official website of the civil aviation department and print and paste the QR code generated after registration on the conspicuous part of the drone body.”
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