近日,知名消息源亚伦·佩里斯(Aaron Perris)深挖Apple Store应用代码,揭示了苹果Vision Pro头显选购过程中的新细节。消费者在选购Vision Pro头显之前,需要先进行面部扫描,以便苹果提供正确的头显组件尺寸。这一创新举措使得消费者在购买头显时能更加精准地获取适合自己的尺寸。
苹果公司已推出Head Measure and Fit应用程序,帮助消费者轻松购买到合适的Vision Pro头显。目前,苹果提供了多种尺寸的Light Seals和Head Bands,通过扫描面部来确定尺寸,消费者无需亲自前往苹果零售店进行试戴。
Vision Pro头显附带一条Solo Knit Band和一条Dual Loop Band,后者有一条额外的带子可以套在头上,以更均匀地分散重量。此外,还包括一个Light Seal和两个Light Seal光封垫。
代码还显示,苹果可能允许消费者在Vision Pro上刻字,但目前尚不清楚刻字的具体位置。这一个性化选项将为消费者提供更多选择,使Vision Pro更具个性化和独特性。
Apple Store application code reveals new details about purchasing the Apple Vision Pro headset: facial scanning for size determination and customization options. Consumerscan now have a more precise fit for their headset components through facial scanning before purchasing.
Apple has launched the Head Measure and Fit application to facilitate easy purchasing of the Vision Pro headset. Multiple sizes of Light Seals and Head Bands are available, allowing consumers to determine the size without needing to visit an Apple retail store for a fitting.
The Vision Pro headset comes with a Solo Knit Band and a Dual Loop Band, the latter of which has an additional band for a more even weight distribution. Additionally, it includes a Light Seal and two Light Seal light pad seals.
Code also indicates that Apple may offer customization options for Vision Pro, although it is currently unclear where the customization will be placed. This personalized option will provide consumers with more choices and make the Vision Pro more unique.
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