今天下午,知名手机品牌一加发布了全新的一加 Ace 3 手机。新机搭载了高通骁龙 8 Gen 2 处理器,售价分别为 12+256GB 2599 元、16+512GB 2999 元、16GB+1TB 3499 元。
一加 Ace 3 采用了旗舰级金属中框和全新玻璃工艺,金属中框采用 3D 弧线曲面中框、单晶钻石刀精削,手感更流畅、过渡更自然。外观设计细节包括极窄黑边控制、太阳纹刻度环、不锈钢镜头保护圈、三段式开关等。手机提供鸣沙金、星辰黑、月海蓝三种配色,其中鸣沙金行业首创熔金玻璃工艺,星辰黑采用新一代丝绸玻璃工艺,月海蓝行业首创淬蓝玻璃工艺。
性能方面,一加 Ace 3 搭载第二代骁龙 8 移动平台、LPDDR5X 和 UFS 4.0 构成的旗舰性能铁三角。独家自研焕新存储技术让手机 4 年久用如新,“永生后台”最高可以做到 34 个常用应用的 72 小时持久保活。游戏方面,手机搭载独显芯片,支持全新一代游戏稳帧引擎、全新一代超帧超画引擎、新一代自研超级 HDR 画质、全新一代灵犀触控。
屏幕方面,一加 Ace 3 全球首发 1.5K 东方屏,支持自研「明眸护眼」技术,类 DC 调光 + 2160Hz 高频 PWM 调光。影像方面,手机搭载索尼 5000 万像素旗舰主摄,继承一加 12 上旗舰级的「超清画质算法」和「超光影图像算法」。
续航方面,一加 Ace 3 搭载 5500mAh 大电池和新一代长寿版 100W 快充,27 分钟可充满电。信号方面,手机支持独家自研多模融合技术,双黄金游戏天线技术,游戏云计算专网。其它方面,搭载 X 轴线性马达,支持 Wi-Fi 7、蓝牙 5.3、NFC、红外遥控,超线性立体声双扬声器,屏下超薄指纹,三段式开关键,基于 Android 14 的 ColorOS 14 系统。
News Title: OnePlus Ace 3 released: Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, priced from 2599 yuan
Keywords: OnePlus Ace 3, Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, priced 2599 yuan
News Content:
Today, the well-known smartphone brand OnePlus released the all-new OnePlus Ace 3 phone. The new phone is equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor, with prices ranging from 2599 yuan for 12+256GB, 2999 yuan for 16+512GB, and 3499 yuan for 16GB+1TB.
The OnePlus Ace 3 features a flagship-level metal frame and new glass technology, with a 3D arc surface metal frame, single-crystal diamond knife polishing, making the hand feel smoother and the transition more natural. Design details include ultra-narrow black border control, sunray texture ring, stainless steel lens protection ring, and three-stage switch. The phone comes in three colors: Mingsha Gold, Starry Black, and Moon Sea Blue, with Mingsha Gold featuring a unique molten gold glass process, Starry Black using a new generation of silk glass technology, and Moon Sea Blue adopting a unique quenching blue glass process.
In terms of performance, the OnePlus Ace 3 is equipped with the second-generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform, LPDDR5X, and UFS 4.0, forming a flagship performance triangle. The exclusive self-developed renewal storage technology allows the phone to remain new for four years, with the “eternal background” feature keeping up to 34 commonly used apps active for 72 hours. In terms of gaming, the phone is equipped with a dedicated graphics chip, supporting new generations of game stabilization engines, ultra-frame and ultra-
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