吉利汽车推出“新年限时补贴”政策,从 12 月 30 日起,帝豪 L HiP 冠军版车型搭雷神 HiP 超级电混动力系统,包括 1.5TD 四缸涡轮增压发动机 + 3 挡变频混动电驱 + 双电机,最大系统功率 181kW,峰值扭矩 610 牛・米,百公里加速时间为 6.9 秒,在 3 挡 DHT 变速箱的加持下,极速可达到 230km/h。该车内置 15.5kWh 电池组,NEDC 纯电续航 100km,亏电油耗可以低至 3.8L / 100km,在满油满电的状态下综合续航里程可达 1300km。
Title: Geely帝豪L HiP冠军版车型推出5000元新年限时补贴
Keywords: Geely帝豪L HiP冠军版车型,新年限时补贴,5000元,1.9万元,最高1.4万元新年补贴
News Content:
Geely has launched a “New Year’s Limited-Time Discount” policy for the HiP冠军版 model of the帝豪L. The policy, which began on December 30th, allows customers to purchase the vehicle with a price tag of 5000 yuan. In addition to this, the maximum discount of up to 14,000 yuan can be added to the price, which effectively reduces the overall price by 19,000 yuan. The discount will last until February 9th of next year. The HiP冠军版车型 is equipped with the LeiShen HiP super-electric hybrid system, which includes a 1.5-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine, a 3-speed variable frequency transmission, and two electric motors. The vehicle’s maximum system power is 181 kW, and its peak torque is 610 newton-meters. Its百里加速时间
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