Title: 2023 Key Targets to Be Achieved, Three Ministries Make Important Statements!
Keywords: 2023, Key targets, Achieved, Three Ministries
News Content:
Recently, the “Chinese-style Modernization” economic situation series reports were held at the National Development and Reform Commission, and the “top” of the Ministry of Finance,工业和信息化部, and the Ministry of National Development Administration made important statements. These statements indicate that the main expected targets for 2023 will likely be achieved.
此外,三部门还强调了实现2023年预期目标的重要性,表示将加强宏观经济 policy adjustments, promoting industry upgrading and innovation, increasing employment and consumption, maintaining international balance of payments, and strengthening ecological protection, ensuring the main expected targets for 2023 will be achieved.
The statements made by the three departments indicate that there is a strong signal that the main expected targets for 2023 will likely be achieved, which can help to strengthen market confidence and promote high-quality economic development.
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