Title: “Honkai: Starry Railgun” version 1.6 update pre-download now live, 11.34GB in size
Keywords: honkai starry railgun version update pre-download now live
On December 25th, IT之家 reported that the pre-download for version 1.6 of Honkai: Starry Railgun has been enabled. Players can now start downloading the game through the PC启动器 on the left side of the【开始游戏】button, with a resource size of 11.34GB and a decompression space of 24.12GB. During the pre-download process on PC, players can continue to experience the game. The update will be released after the version update and maintenance, allowing players to enter the game faster.
Title: “Honkai: Starry Railgun” version 1.6 update pre-download now live, 11.34GB in size
Keywords: honkai starry railgun version update pre-download now live
Views: 4