据巴西圣保罗市议会发布警报,当地时间12月23日下午,巴西最大城市圣保罗再次遭遇强降雨天气,造成城区内21个社区洪水泛滥。据该市气候应急中心 (CGE) 预测,圣保罗未来几个小时将出现更强烈的风暴,并伴有雷暴、闪电和时速超过60公里的强阵风。圣保罗市议会称,当天夜间还存在洪水。
Brazilian city of Sao Paulo faces severe rain and flooding caused by strong rain. The city’s climate emergency center (CGE) predicted that strong storms, lightning, and strong winds of more than 60 kilometers per hour may occur in the coming hours. The city council of Sao Paulo released an alert, stating that heavy floods were still possible at night.
The heavy rain has caused significant damage to the city, with many streets and roads flooding and causing traffic congestion. Many buildings and houses have also suffered some damage.
The city council has taken various measures to respond to the disaster, including closing some flood-prone areas, strengthening drainage and cleaning efforts, and appealing to the public to prepare for the storm.
The heavy rain and subsequent flooding have brought significant damage to the city of Sao Paulo. The coming hours, strong storms, lightning, and strong winds of more than 60 kilometers per hour are expected. The city council stated that residents should stay vigilant and take necessary precautions to avoid potential harm from the storm.
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