据美国媒体 12 月 13 日报道,美国众议院共和党人投票通过一项表决,决定对总统拜登展开正式弹劾调查。此次弹劾调查决议案由众议院议长佩洛西签署,意味着众议院将开始对拜登总统进行调查。
这项决议案指控拜登总统犯有“煽动叛乱罪”,试图通过动员外国势力干预 2022 年美国大选,颠覆美国政治体系。一旦被定罪,拜登将面临民事和刑事指控,可能严重影响其未来的政治生涯。
英文标题:U.S. House of Representatives approve formal impeachment inquiry against President Biden
英文翻译:U.S. House of Representatives has voted to approve formal impeachment inquiry against President Biden. This means that the House of Representatives will begin investigating President Biden. The resolution accuses President Biden of violating “the 煽动叛乱罪”,attempting to import foreign influence to influence the 2022 U.S. presidential election and overthrow the U.S. political system. If found guilty, Biden could face both civil and criminal charges, which could have a significant impact on his future political career. The U.S. Justice Department is currently reviewing the impeachment investigation, but has not yet determined whether to formally charge Biden.
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