1. 关冲穴:位于手厥阴心包经,具有清热解毒、镇静安神的作用。
2. 膻中穴:位于任脉,具有宽胸、止咳平喘的作用。
3. 肺俞穴:位于手太阴肺经,具有宣肺化痰、止咳平喘的作用。
Title: How to relieve symptoms of children’s respiratory infections with traditional Chinese medicine?
1. Children’s respiratory infections
2. Traditional Chinese medicine
3. Health “med” point
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In recent years, with the increasing frequency of children’s respiratory infections, how to relieve these symptoms has become a focus of concern for parents and doctors. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is being increasingly sought after as a treatment for respiratory infections.
TCM can relieve respiratory infection symptoms by stimulating the body’s meridians and acupuncture points, and regulating the flow of qi. For children’s respiratory infections, TCM can stimulate the following acupuncture points:
1. Guanshen 穴位:位于手厥阴心包经,具有清热解毒、镇静安神的作用。
2. Danzhen 穴位:位于任脉,具有宽胸、止咳平喘的作用。
3. Guilin 穴位:位于手太阴肺经,具有宣肺化痰、止咳平喘的作用。
The manipulation of these acupuncture points can effectively alleviate the symptoms of children’s respiratory infections. In addition, parents can also use other methods, such as maintaining indoor air circulation and appropriate exercise, to alleviate respiratory infection symptoms in children.
In New York, many doctors also recommend using TCM to alleviate children’s respiratory infection symptoms. They believe that TCM can improve children’s physiological function and enhance their immune system, thus providing better resistance to diseases.
In conclusion, TCM, as a safe and effective treatment, can help alleviate children’s respiratory infection symptoms. In practice, parents and doctors can combine their use to provide better treatment for children with respiratory infections.
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