
今天是 1941 年 12 月 10 日,历史上的今天,中国军队开始入缅对日作战。70 年过去了,今天的人们仍然铭记着这一段历史,为那些为国家和民族而英勇牺牲的先烈们致以最崇高的敬意。

1941 年 12 月 10 日,英国武官邓尼思向蒋介石提出请求,派中国军队入缅布防。蒋同意,翌日向第五、第六两军发布入缅作战动员令。命第五军向保山集中,命第六军克日完成入缅准备,派第九十三师赴车里,对泰、老方面搜索警戒,派第四十九师刘观隆团为先遣支队,即开畹町。




Chinese military deployment in Burma 70 years ago
Keywords: Chinese military, Burma deployment, anniversary

On this day, 70 years ago, Chinese military began its deployment in Burma to fight against Japan. The memory of this event still lingers in the hearts of people today, and we pay tribute to the brave soldiers who sacrificed themselves for the country and the nation.

On December 10, 1941, British military attaché邓尼思向蒋介石提出请求,要求派中国军队入缅布防。蒋介石同意后,次日向第五、第六两军发布入缅作战动员令,命令第五军向保山集中,命第六军克日完成入缅准备,sent the 93rd 师 to search for 警戒任务 in Thailand and Laos, and the 49th 师刘观隆团为先遣支队,即从畹町出发。

In this difficult battle, the Chinese military demonstrated its strong combat capabilities and the courageous spirit of the nation. They crossed rivers and climbed mountains, facing countless difficulties, payinging a heavy price for the sake of defending their homeland.

Today, as we review this event, we not only remember the brave moments but also inherit and carry forward their courageous spirit, working towards the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


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