兰博基尼近日推出了一款特别版车型——Revuelto Opera Unica,以庆祝品牌成立 60 周年。该车是兰博基尼首款插电式混合动力超跑车型 Revuelto 的高度定制版本。Revuelto Opera Unica 采用了手工绘制的紫色系涂装,历时约 435 小时打造而成。整车在以紫色作为底色的同时,车身配有“冰火两重天”的橙色、蓝色双色拉花,车头还有一个长着“牛角”的数字 60 特别版 LOGO。内饰方面,该车同样采用定制化的设计,花费了 220 个小时打造而来。整车座舱以黑色、紫色双拼作为主色调,门板和靠背处拥有抽象的“60”字样纹理,启动按钮同样也采用了与车身拉花相呼应的“一半海水、一半火焰”的设计风格。该车动力可参考 Revuelto 的标准车型,其采用 6.5 升 V12 自吸发动机 + 前 2 后 1 共三台电机组成的混动系统,综合功率 1015 马力,可在 2.5 秒之内破百,7 秒以内达到 200km/h,极速超过 350km/h。该车搭载一块 3.8kWh 的动力电池,WLTC 纯电续航里程为 10km。值得一提的是,Revuelto 是兰博基尼 Aventador(俗称“大牛”)的继任者。尽管该车的售价并未公开,也不清楚究竟会不会发售,但这完全不影响各位 IT 之家的小伙伴把它设为壁纸。
Lamborghini has recently launched a special version of its first plug-in hybrid supercar, the Revuelto Opera Unica, to celebrate the brand’s 60th anniversary. This is a high-customized version of the Lamborghini Revuelto, the brand’s first plug-in hybrid supercar. The Revuelto Opera Unica features a manually-painted purple series, which took about 435 hours to create. The car’s body is painted in a purple color as the base, with orange and blue dual-color flames and a long “牛角” digital 60 logo on the hood. The interior is also customized and took about 220 hours to create. The Revuelto Opera Unica’s cabin features a black and purple double-decker color scheme, with abstract “60”字样纹理 on the door panels and backrests. The car’s start button also adopts the design style of “half seawater, half flames.” The car’s engine is a 6.5-liter V12 naturally-aspirated engine combined with three electric motors, producing a total of 1015 horsepower. It can accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 2.5 seconds and reach speeds of up to 200 km/h in just 7 seconds. It has a top speed of over 350 km/h. The car is equipped with a 3.8 kWh battery, with a WLTC pure electric range of 10 km. It’s worth noting that the Revuelto is the successor to the Lamborghini Aventador (also known as the “Big Bang”), and although the price of the car has not been announced, it’s unclear whether it will be sold, but it doesn’t matter to fans of IT 之家 to set it as a wallpaper.
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