据交通运输部微信公众号消息,2023 年 11 月,31 个省 (自治区、直辖市) 和新疆生产建设兵团共有 55 个城市开通运营城市轨道交通线路 300 条,运营里程 9915.6 公里,实际开行列车 321 万列次,完成客运量 25.8 亿人次,进站量 15.5 亿人次。





According to a message on the official WeChat account of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, a total of 55 cities in 31 provinces and autonomous regions, as well as the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, have implemented urban rail transit routes, with a total length of 9,915.6 kilometers and 321,000 actual train trips. The overall passenger volume reached 2580 million people, with 1550 million passengers entering and exiting rail stations.

This new high in passenger volume demonstrates the important role of urban rail transit in China’s urbanization process. Urban rail transit helps alleviate traffic congestion in cities, promotes economic development, and improves urban services.

Future plans include increasing the length of rail transit routes and the number of actual train trips, providing more momentum for urban development.


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