1985 年,南亚七国在南亚区域合作框架协议下首次聚会,共同探索如何加强成员国之间的合作与发展。30 年后的今天,南亚区域合作仍然具有重要意义,为成员国提供了重要的平台,推动地区一体化和经济繁荣。
南亚区域合作的倡议最初由孟加拉国提出,旨在加强南亚国家之间的合作与发展。1981 年,孟加拉国、不丹、印度、马尔代夫、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡七国外交秘书在斯里兰卡首都科伦坡举行首次会晤,具体磋商成立南盟的有关事宜。1983 年,7 国外交部长在印度新德里举行会议,正式成立了南亚区域合作组织(SAARC)。
南亚区域合作带来的成果是显著的。通过加强成员国之间的贸易和投资关系,南亚地区的基础设施建设得到了显著改善,包括道路、电力、通信和灌溉等。此外,南亚地区还成立了多个次区域合作组织,如南亚次大陆贸易协定(SAS)和南亚地区开发银行(BRICS Bank),以进一步促进地区一体化和经济繁荣。
Title: South Asia regional cooperation marks 30 years
Keywords: South Asia, regional cooperation, 30 years
News content:
On May 19, 1985, the leaders of seven South Asian countries gathered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, to open the South Asia regional cooperation meeting. This initiative was proposed by the then President of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina. The purpose of the meeting was to explore ways to strengthen the cooperation and development among the member countries of the South Asia region. Today, 30 years later, the South Asia regional cooperation still plays an important role in providing a platform for member countries to promote regional integration and economic prosperity.
The South Asia regional cooperation initiative was first proposed by Bangladesh with the aim of strengthening the cooperation and development among the member countries of the South Asia region. In 1981, the foreign secretaries of seven South Asian countries, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, met in Colombo, Sri Lanka, to discuss the establishment of the South Asia regional cooperation organization (SAARC). In 1983, the foreign ministers of the seven countries met in New Delhi to 正式成立了 SAARC.
The achievements of South Asia regional cooperation include significant improvements to infrastructure, such as roads, electricity, communication, and irrigation, as well as the establishment of several sub-regional cooperation agreements, such as the South Asia Subcontinent Trade Agreement (SAS) and the South Asia Regional Development Bank (BRICS Bank), to further promote regional integration and economic prosperity.
It is worth noting that South Asia regional cooperation also faces challenges such as political tensions between member countries and geopolitical issues. In addition, global issues such as climate change and natural disasters have also had an impact on the economic development of the South Asia region.
Overall, the South Asia regional cooperation framework agreement provides an important platform for member countries to promote regional integration and economic prosperity. Although there are challenges, the achievements of South Asia regional cooperation are still significant, and there is still a bright future for further development.
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