据香港特区行政长官李家超 5 日出席行政会议前会见媒体时宣布,由国家自主研制的 C919 飞机和 ARJ21 飞机将于本月 12 日至 17 日到访香港展出。这是两款飞机首次访港,其中 C919 飞机更是首次出港。此次展览将为公众提供参观和了解这两种飞机的机会,进一步促进国产航空技术的发展。

The Chinese-made C919 and ARJ21 planes will make their first appearance in Hong Kong from December 12th to 17th. This will be the first time for these planes to visit Hong Kong, and C919 will be the first time for it to leave the country. The exhibition will provide the public with an opportunity to visit and learn about these planes, further advancing China’s domestic aviation technology.

新闻标题:国产 C919 和 ARJ21 飞机来港首展

据香港特区行政长官李家超 5 日出席行政会议前会见媒体时宣布,由国家自主研制的 C919 飞机和 ARJ21 飞机将于本月 12 日至 17 日到访香港展出。这是两款飞机首次访港,其中 C919 飞机更是首次出港。此次展览将为公众提供参观和了解这两种飞机的机会,进一步促进国产航空技术的发展。

The Chinese-made C919 and ARJ21 planes will make their first appearance in Hong Kong from December 12th to 17th. This will be the first time for these planes to visit Hong Kong, and C919 will be the first time for it to leave the country. The exhibition will provide the public with an opportunity to visit and learn about these planes, further advancing China’s domestic aviation technology.

新闻标题:国产 C919 和 ARJ21 飞机来港首展

据香港特区行政长官李家超 5 日出席行政会议前会见媒体时宣布,由国家自主研制的 C919 飞机和 ARJ21 飞机将于本月 12 日至 17 日到访香港展出。这是两款飞机首次访港,其中 C919 飞机更是首次出港。此次展览将为公众提供参观和了解这两种飞机的机会,进一步促进国产航空技术的发展。

The Chinese-made C919 and ARJ21 planes will make their first appearance in Hong Kong from December 12th to 17th. This will be the first time for these planes to visit Hong Kong, and C919 will be the first time for it to leave the country. The exhibition will provide the public with an opportunity to visit and learn about these planes, further advancing China’s domestic aviation technology.


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