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据@techosarusrex 爆料,Canary 和 Dev 频道的 Win11 项目成员已经更新了 WindowsWebExperiencePack 至最新 523.33200.0.0 版本。更新完成后,使用 ViveTool 工具可以禁用小部件的新闻内容。需要注意的是,本次操作仅适用于 Canary 和 Dev 频道的 WindowsInsider 项目成员,操作前请务必做好内容备份工作,避免意外发生。

要禁用 Windows 11 系统中的小部件,用户需要首先访问 Microsoft Store,下载更新 WindowsWebExperiencePack,最新版本为 523.33200.0.0。该工具负责管理 Win11 系统中的小部件。使用 ViveTool 工具来启用禁用小部件的新功能、新特性。从 GitHub 页面下载 Vivetool 工具,然后解压缩到任意文件夹,需要记住该文件夹路径。


1. 按下 Win 键(或者使用鼠标)打开开始菜单,输入“cmd”,然后选择“以管理员权限”打开命令提示符。
2. 使用 cd 命令跳转到 ViveTool 文件夹,例如“cd C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ViVeTool-v0.3.2”。
3. 输入“vivetool /enable /id:45393399”,按下回车。
4. 重启电脑即可禁用小部件的新闻内容。

关键词:禁用小部件新闻内容,Windows 11,Dev 频道,Canary 频道,WinWebExperience Pack,ViveTool 工具


According to @techosarusrex’s report, the members of the Win11 project for Canary and Dev channels have updated the Windows Web Experience Pack to the latest version 523.33200.0.0. After the update, it is possible to disable news content in the system by using ViveTool tool. Please note that this operation is only applicable to members of the Windows Insider project for Canary and Dev channels, and it is important to make a backup of the content before the operation to avoid any unexpected situations.

To disable the small icons in the Windows 11 system, users need to first visit the Microsoft Store and download the update Windows Web Experience Pack, the latest version of which is 523.33200.0.0. The tool is responsible for managing the small icons in the Win11 system. Using ViveTool tool to enable the new features and enhancements of disabling small icons. To download ViveTool tool, users can visit the GitHub page and extract it to any folder, but it is important to remember the file path (for example, C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ViVeTool-v0.3.2).

The operation process is as follows:

1. Press the Windows key (or use mouse) to open the Start menu, then type “cmd” and choose “Run as administrator” to open the Command Prompt.
2. Use the “cd” command to jump to the ViveTool folder, for example “cd C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ViVeTool-v0.3.2”.
3. Then enter “vivetool /enable /id:45393399” and press Enter.
4. Restart the computer to disable news content in the system.

关键词:禁用小部件新闻内容,Windows 11,Dev 频道,Canary 频道,WinWebExperience Pack,ViveTool 工具


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