1952 年 12 月 5 日—9 日,一场严重大气污染事件导致了伦敦厚重的雾霾,直接或间接导致了 12000 人丧生。这场被称为英国史上最严重的空气污染事件,推动了 1956 年英国清洁空气法案的出台。该法案措施包括推动家庭转向使用煤气灶,以减少煤炭的使用。
On December 5th to 9th, 1952, a severe air pollution event known as the London Smoke Incident resulted in thick fog in London, which directly or indirectly caused 12,000 deaths. This event, considered the worst air pollution disaster in British history, prompted the implementation of the Clean Air Act in 1956. The act included measures to encourage households to switch to gas stoves in order to reduce the use of coal.
Pollution of the air has become a global issue, and many countries have taken measures to reduce air pollution. The implementation of the Clean Air Act in the UK led to households switching to gas stoves in order to reduce the use of coal. This measure not only helps reduce air pollution but also improves people’s living standards.
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