11 月 29 日,著名学者易中天在武汉大学 130 周年校庆上为母校捐诗祝福。在调侃中,他提到雷军捐了 13 个亿,自己深感惭愧,表示自己连 13 元都没有。



英文标题:Eizhou Zhen, a renowned scholar and media professional, expressed his gratitude to his alma mater, Wuhan University, as he donated a poem to celebrate the university’s 130th anniversary. In a light-hearted aside, he joked about the 130 million yuan donation made by Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, and said he felt ashamed because he couldn’t even give away 13 yuan.

关键词:Eizhou Zhen, Lei Jun, donation, ashamed


11 月 29 日,著名学者易中天为庆祝武汉大学 130 周年校庆捐赠了一首诗。在轻松的语气中,他提到了雷军捐赠的 1.3 亿美元,表示自己因为无能为力而感到惭愧。


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