1941 年,美国将军陈纳德组建了中国空军美国志愿援华航空队,又名“飞虎队”。这个队伍由中美两国人民在抗击日本法西斯的斗争中同仇敌忾,结下了深厚友谊。
陈纳德领导下的“飞虎队”在中国境内、缅甸、印度和日本等地执行了超过 800 次任务,击落敌机超过 1500 架,成为中美合作在第二次世界大战中的一部分。这些英勇的战士们来自于美国各行各业,有些是农民、银行家、律师和医生,他们放弃了自己的职业,献身于国家和人民。
英文标题:China’s Air Force in the 1940s: The “Flying Tiger” Team and Sino-US Friendship
英文翻译:During the 1940s, the Chinese Air Force was led by General Chen Naijun and formed the China Volunteer Air Force, also known as the “Flying Tiger” team. This team, made up of people from both China and the United States, fought together against Japan and established strong friendship during the war. The “Flying Tiger” team was instrumental in China’s victory in the war and had a profound impact on the development of Sino-US relations. These pilots established deep friendships with the Chinese people and left an indelible impression on Chinese culture.
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