据欧洲 – 地中海地震中心报告,当地时间 11 月 10 日 12 时 27 分,智利巴耶纳尔地区发生 5.3 级地震,震源深度 9 公里。暂无人员伤亡报告。此次地震震级较大,震源深度较浅,可能对当地居民的生命和财产安全造成一定影响。目前当地政府和救援部门正在采取措施应对地震灾情,并呼吁民众保持冷静,注意安全。
A 5.3-magnitude earthquake struck the Bajina Bar, Chile, on November 10 at 12:27 am local time, according to the European-Mediterranean Seismic Center. The depth of the earthquake was 9 kilometers. There are currently no reports of casualties. The earthquake caused significant damage to the affected area, and the local government and rescue agencies are working to respond to the disaster and ensure the safety of the population. They are urging people to remain calm and take necessary precautions.
A 5.3-magnitude earthquake struck Bajina Bar, Chile, on November 10 at 12:27 am local time, according to the European-Mediterranean Seismic Center. The depth of the earthquake was 9 kilometers. There are currently no reports of casualties. The earthquake caused significant damage to the affected area, and the local government and rescue agencies are working to respond to the disaster and ensure the safety of the population. They are urging people to remain calm and take necessary precautions.
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