1970 年 11 月 8 日,中国著名男子跳高运动员倪志钦在湖南长沙的田径比赛中,以 2.29 米的成绩打破男子跳高世界纪录,成为中国第一个打破该纪录的运动员。倪志钦曾任国家田径教练,福建省体委副主任等职务。
英文标题:China’s first world record in men’s high jump, Nie Zhiqin breaks the record
英文翻译:On November 8, 1970, Chinese famous male high jumper Nie Zhiqin broke the world record in men’s high jump with a result of 2.29 meters at a track and field competition in Changsha, Hunan Province, China, becoming the first Chinese athlete to break the world record. Nie Zhiqin served as a national track and field coach and the first vice president of the Fujian Provincial Sports Commission.
As the first Chinese athlete to break the world record in men’s high jump, Nie Zhiqin’s achievement is of great significance. His success marked a significant breakthrough in China’s track and field sports history, and greatly promoted the development of China’s sports industry.
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