英文标题:Hospital selling birth certificates publicly, shutdown, CEO arrested
英文翻译:A hospital in 襄阳健桥医院 recently caused a scandal by publicly selling birth certificates. According to a news release from the Health and Commission, the affected department has been closed, and the hospital’s CEO has been arrested. This incident has sparked public concern about the management of hospitals and the safety of the medical profession.
The behavior of the 襄阳健桥医院 of publicly selling birth certificates is not only in violation of relevant laws and regulations, but also violates the rights and dignity of patients. The shutdown of the affected department and the arrest of the hospital’s CEO indicate the seriousness of the authorities in dealing with this incident. This incident reminds hospital managers and other relevant institutions to strictly comply with laws and regulations and to protect the rights and interests of patients and the public.
【来源】https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=医院公开贩卖婴儿出生证 卫健委通报
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