1994 年 7 月 24 日,斯里兰卡选举产生了第一位女总统。她的名字叫钱德里卡·班达拉奈克·库马拉通加,是斯里兰卡历史上第一位女总统。她出生于科伦坡,成长于政治家庭,其母曾是自由党妇女联盟执委和国家土地的负责人。
库马拉通加在印度尼赫鲁大学和英国布拉德福大学任客座讲师,并曾在自由党妇女联盟担任领导职务。1974 年,她随其母从政,开始在政治舞台上活跃。1994 年,她被选为自由党总统候选人,并在选举中获胜。
Title: Sri Lanka’s first female President born on this day
Keywords: Sri Lanka, female President, Chandrika Kumaraggi
news content:
On July 24, 1994, Sri Lanka’s first female President was elected. Her name is Chandrika Kumaraggi. She was born in Colombo and grew up in a political family. Her mother was a 自由党妇女联盟 leader and the head of the National Land and Property.
Kummaraggi holds a Bachelor’s degree in politics from Indian University, New Delhi, and a master’s degree in political science from the University of Buddha Hrdul. She has served as a guest lecturer at the University of Indian, New Delhi and the University of Buddha Hrdul.
Since 1974, she has been involved in politics with her mother. In 1994, she was selected as the presidential candidate for the Freedom Party and won the election.
Kummaraggi’s presidency marks a significant milestone in Sri Lanka’s political history. Her leadership will drive the country’s politics, economy and development. As the first female President, she will lead Sri Lanka towards a more equal, just and prosperous future.
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