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茅以升(1896 年 1 月 9 日-1989 年 11 月 12 日),字唐臣,江苏镇江人,结构工程师和桥梁工程专家,是中国近代桥梁事业的先驱、铁道科技事业的开拓者,同时也是中国土力学的开拓者、科普工作者。1982 年,茅以升荣获美国工程学会外国院士称号,以表彰他在桥梁工程和土力学领域的杰出贡献。

茅以升一生致力于桥梁工程和土力学的研究和科普工作。他发表了 200 多篇论著,其中科普论著文章约占 1/3。他的杰出成就使他成为中国科技史上的重要人物。


Title: Mao Yisheng honored with foreign membership in the American Engineering Society
Keywords: Mao Yisheng, foreign membership, bridge engineering, soil mechanics, pioneer
News content:

Mao Yisheng (1896 年 1 月 9 日-1989 年 11 月 12 日), a structural engineer and bridge engineering expert from Jiangsu Zhenjiang, was honored with foreign membership in the American Engineering Society in 1982, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of bridge engineering and soil mechanics. Throughout his life, Mao focused on research and popularization in the field of bridge engineering and soil mechanics. He authored more than 200 papers, with科普论文约占1/3. His remarkable achievements make him an important figure in Chinese history of science and technology.


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