
近日,一篇关于外卖漏送米饭引发 191 元整单退款的新闻引发了热议。据报道,一位顾客在杭州一家川菜馆点了一份外卖,由于服务员疏忽忘记打包两份米饭,送到后客人要求 191 元整单退款,但齐老板表示错肯定是在他们这里,但顾客油盐不进,几乎不接受任何解决方案。


英文标题:Stirring Debate Over Refund for delivery mix-up
英文翻译:A heated discussion has erupted over a refund request for a delivery mix-up at a Chinese restaurant in Hangzhou. According to reports, a customer ordered a takeout from a local Sichuan restaurant and found that two servings of rice were missing from their order. When the food arrived, the customer demanded a full refund of 191 yuan, but the restaurant’s owner, Qi Ming, said that they were not responsible for the mistake but the customer refused to accept any compromise.

近日,一篇关于外卖漏送米饭引发 191 元整单退款的新闻引发了热议。据报道,一位顾客在杭州一家川菜馆点了一份外卖,由于服务员疏忽忘记打包两份米饭,送到后客人要求 191 元整单退款,但齐老板表示错肯定是在他们这里,但顾客油盐不进,几乎不接受任何解决方案。



英文标题:Stirring Debate Over Refund for delivery mix-up
英文翻译:A heated discussion has erupted over a refund request for a delivery mix-up at a Chinese restaurant in Hangzhou. According to reports, a customer ordered a takeout from a local Sichuan restaurant and found that two servings of rice were missing from their order. When the food arrived, the customer demanded a full refund of 191 yuan, but the restaurant’s owner, Qi Ming, said that they were not responsible for the mistake.


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