2023 年 11 月 2 日,山西省忻州市中级人民法院一审公开开庭审理了内蒙古自治区高级人民法院原党组书记、院长胡毅峰受贿、利用影响力受贿一案。本次一审公开开庭,旨在让正义得以伸张,让违法行为受到应有的惩罚。胡毅峰在法庭上对自己的受贿、利用影响力受贿事实供认不讳,表示愿意接受法律的制裁。
News Content:
On November 2, 2023, the first instance of the public trial of Hutifeng Hu, the former Secretary of the Supreme Court of 内蒙古 and the President of the Court of Appeals of 内蒙古,was held in the court of the intermediate people’s court in Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province, China. The trial aims to uphold justice and impose due punishment for any illegal behavior.
Hu admitted to the facts of bribery and the use of his influence for 受贿,and expressed willingness to accept legal punishment. In court, he acknowledged the seriousness of his crimes and the harm they caused to the public and society.
This case of bribery and corruption is of great importance to the public. As a journalist and editor with experience in the news industry, I am well aware of the power of the media and the harm caused by corruption to society. The public trial of this case by the court is a signal that the authorities 决心 to clean up the political environment and maintain social justice.
Justice will ultimately triumph over evil. We hope that, under the law, Hu will realize the mistake of his actions, understand the seriousness of his crimes, and be willing to accept the consequences that come with them. At the same time, we hope that this case will serve as a warning to others, making them aware of the seriousness of corruption behavior and the need to comply with the law.
Title: Uncommon! The public trial of the former President of the Supreme Court of 内蒙古,Hutifeng Hu, for bribery and the use of his influence
Keywords: Hutifeng Hu, bribery, the use of his influence
News Content:
On November 2, 2023, the first instance of the public trial of Hutifeng Hu, the former President of the Supreme Court of 内蒙古 and the President of the Court of Appeals of 内蒙古,was held in the court of the intermediate people’s court in Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province, China. The trial aims to uphold justice and impose due punishment for any illegal behavior.
Hu admitted to the facts of bribery and the use of his influence for 受贿,and expressed willingness to accept legal punishment. In court, he acknowledged the seriousness of his crimes and the harm they caused to the public and society.
This case of bribery and corruption is of great importance to the public. As a journalist and editor with experience in the news industry, I am well aware of the power of the media and the harm caused by corruption to society. The public trial of this case
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