1939 年 11 月初,日军对晋察冀边区开始了大规模的冬季大扫荡行动。这次行动由日军北线指挥官独立混成第二旅团长阿部规秀中将带领 1500 余人,分 3 个梯队由涞源向晋察冀军区第一军分区腹地进攻,企图寻歼一分区主力。
11 月 4 日,日军第一梯队 400 余人进占三岔口。然而,晋察冀军民并未放弃,他们开始大规模防御和反击日军的扫荡行动。最终,日军未能得逞,这次冬季大扫荡以失败告终。
英文标题:Jianshui-Pingdingsan, Winter Scorching Operation in 1939
英文翻译:On November 4th, 1939, the Japanese army launched a large-scale winter operation in Jianshui-Pingdingsan. The operation was led by the Japanese commander, General Akuage Kudo, and involved 1,500 余人,divided into three teams, which were attempting to locate and eliminate the main force of the Jianshui-Pingdingsan army district. However, the Jianshui-Pingdingsan people and military were not defeated. They began to defend and counterattack the Japanese army’s 扫荡行动,and the operation ultimately ended in failure.
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