北京时间 11 月 1 日,CBA 常规赛天津客场以 112-105 击败广东,送给对手 2 连败。这是天津队史第二次击败广东,上一次是 2017 年 1 月 24 日天津主场击败广东。此役周琦继续缺席,天津这边林庭谦也缺阵,首次交手,广东队新援威姆斯发挥出色,贡献 23 分、11 个篮板。但天津队表现更佳,胡明轩空砍 20 分、8 个篮板,成为逆转关键人物。
Title: CBA Regular Season:天津逆转广东,送给对手 2 连败
Keywords: CBA, Tianjin, Guangdong,逆转,2 连败
On November 1st, Beijing time, Tianjin hosted Guangdong in the CBA regular season with a away game. With a score of 112-105, Tianjin 送给对手 2 连败。This is the second time in Tianjin’s history that they have defeated Guangdong in the CBA regular season, the last time being on January 24th, 2017 when Tianjin hosted the game at home. This time, Yao Ming was absent for Tianjin, and Lin Tingqian also missed the game, making it the first time for the two teams to face each other. Guangdong’s new import, Wu Simu, had a great performance, scoring 23 points and 11 rebounds. However, Tianjin’s performance was better, with 胡明轩 scoring 20 points and 8 rebounds, becoming the key player for the upset.
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