据顶端新闻记者独家获悉,11 月 1 日晚间,郑州市管城回族区建兴路小学一女教师不幸离世。相关部门已成立联合调查组,对该事件进行调查。据传该女教师加班数石榴不实。目前,调查组正在深入调查事件的真相,并表示将严肃处理此事。
On the evening of November 1st, a female teacher at Jianxing Road Primary School in Liandu District, Henan Province, China passed away suddenly. A joint investigation team has been established by the relevant authorities to investigate the incident. It is reported that the 加班 hours of the female teacher in question have been exaggerated. The investigation team is currently conducting a thorough investigation into the matter and promises to handle it severely.
On the evening of November 1st, a female teacher at Jianxing Road Primary School in Liandu District, Henan Province, China passed away suddenly. A joint investigation team has been established by the relevant authorities to investigate the incident. It is reported that the 加班 hours of the female teacher in question have been exaggerated. The investigation team is currently conducting a thorough investigation into the matter and promises to handle it severely.
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