近年来,中国经济表现出了总需求与总供给双不足的运行格局。根据 2023 年 10 月 30 日发布的《2023 年前三季度宏观政策「三策合一」指数与宏观政策展望报告》,当前中国经济产出缺口与潜在增速缺口双双为负,表明宏观经济运行出现了问题。
Keywords: 总需求,总供给,扩大内需
news content:
In recent years, the Chinese economy has been characterized by a running pattern of total demand and total supply shortages. According to the “2023 年前三季度宏观政策「三策合一」指数与宏观政策展望报告” released on October 30th, 2023, the current output gap and potential 增速 gap for the Chinese economy are both negative, indicating that there are problems with the overall economic performance.
Against this backdrop, several economic scholars have proposed expanding domestic demand as a solution. They believe that in order to achieve stable economic growth, China must focus on expanding domestic demand, promoting consumption and investment, and shifting growth from reliance on exports to reliance on domestic demand.
Furthermore, the report suggests that the government should take measures to encourage residents to increase consumption, such as increasing residents’ income and expanding social security coverage. Meanwhile, the government should also increase its support for businesses, encouraging them to increase research and development investment and improve product added value.
In the current situation of macroeconomic performance, expanding domestic demand is an important way for China’s economy to achieve stable growth. By promoting consumption and investment, shifting growth from reliance on exports to reliance on domestic demand, China’s economy can achieve more healthy, sustainable growth.
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