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近日,有媒体报道称,河南周口万女士家承包的药材白术正值收割季节,却遭到大批村民哄抢。主家坐在地上大哭,最后报了警,才将哄抢的村民赶走。11 月 1 日“淮阳融媒”发布情况通报:10 月 31 日下午,周口市淮阳区冯塘乡一药材种植户邱某某对种植的白术在第二遍收割进行到三分之二时,发现有村民正在偷摘,便大声呼救,引起村民围观。随后,村民纷纷涌入,将种植户家承包的药材白术哄抢一空。



Recent reports from Henan province suggest that seeds of the Chinese herb Astragalus, which is commonly used in traditional medicine, were grabbed by hundreds of villagers in Zhoukou, Henan province. According to a official announcement by the Henan People’s Press, a local resident named Wan Shu-hua 误以为该药材已经收割完毕,so the villagers rushed to grab it. After the owner of the plot, Wan Shu-hua, reported the incident, the police arrived and drove away the trespassing villagers. Wan Shu-hua said that she depends on this plot of land for her livelihood and hopes that the official investigation will reveal the true situation and come up with a reasonable solution.

This incident has attracted widespread attention from the public, and it also reminds farmers working on the plot of land to follow the relevant regulations and not make the mistake of thinking that the harvesting is already completed. It also hopes that the relevant departments will strengthen the management of farmers’ land ownership and increase the intensity of law enforcement to curb the grabbing behavior.


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